We are very happy to receive your feedback! No matter if your review is positive or negative - with your contribution you help other customers to choose a product that is optimally suited for their needs.

In order for your opinion to help other customers, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines. Unfortunately, we cannot publish reviews that do not comply with these guidelines or remove them from golfhouse.com at any time.

Help others - rate products!

This is how easy it is:

  • Log in to your account by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner and enter your username and password there.
  • Call up the product you would like to rate.
  • Rate the product (click on "Customer rating").
  • Your rating will be published within 48 hours*.

Our tip - your rating will be helpful:

Please only rate products that you have had experience with yourself. Your opinion of the product should be well founded. It is particularly interesting to know on the basis of which features and functions the item was rated positively or negatively by you. The most helpful comments contain information about how, where and when you use the product, which features you like about the product and which facts you did not like so much.

If you have questions or suggestions about customer service matters (orders, deliveries, pricing, etc.), you should not do so through a review.

To do so, please contact our customer service department via email at: customerservice@golfhouse.com.

* All reviews are editorially reviewed for non-legal content and adherence to our customer review guidelines before being approved. We reserve the right not to post your review online if it contains the following or violates German law:

  • A tone that is not appropriate for a public forum (obscene, discriminatory or malicious)
  • Advertising, links to other websites, offers from other merchants or spam
  • Any type of contact information (phone numbers, web addresses (URLs), email addresses, physical addresses, etc.)

A review should be at least 50 words. The most helpful reviews are usually between 150 and 500 words.